55 Main street, Prestwick, KA9 1JN


Invisalign is the world’s first clear, custom-made aligners used to adjust teeth for a beautiful smile. The clear retainer is designed to reveal the smile that you deserve. It’s why millions of people have now transformed their lives with our removable, near-invisible aligners. We now now offer Invisalign treatment, get in touch for more information.


If you feel self conscious about your smile, Cfast could be the perfect option for you.

Cfast is a simple, discreet and affordable cosmetic treatment that allows us to gently move your teeth and give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

With Cfast we use either clear orthodontic brackets with tooth coloured wires or clear aligners, depending on your preferences and dental needs.

By focussing on your front 6 teeth, this treatment option takes less time than conventional braces, meaning you could be only a couple of months away from your desired smile.

To find out more and book your consultation please get in touch.